Monday, January 18, 2010

Birth Of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the encouraging leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement. He was born January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. He was a Baptist minister and that was one of the least leader ship role a Black person could get back then. Martin Luther King Jr. led the Montgomery Boycott (1955-1956) and he became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership conference which he helped build. His achievements led to the March on Washington in 1963 where he said his “I Have a Dream” speech. In 1964 Martin Luther King Jr. received the Noble Peace Prize being the youngest person to receive the prize.The March on Washington in 1963 was led by Martin Luther King Jr. where he said his “I Have a Dream” speech. People say that the speech was one of the finest speeches in the history of American oratory. Through his career Martin Luther King wrote and spoke frequently. He was the youngest to receive the Noble Prize for his efforts to end segregation and Racial discrimination throughout parts of the U.S.In March 1968 Martin Luther King went to Memphis in support of the Black Sanitary public work employees. King’s flight to Memphis around April 3rd had been delayed by a bomb threat against his plane. Since his flight was delayed he had stayed in a motel in room 306.
While Martin Luther King was standing on the motel’s 2nd floor balcony, James Earl Ray, shot him at 6:01 p.m. April 4, 1968 The bullet hit him in his cheek smashing his jaw where it had traveled down his spinal cord before lodging his shoulder. Martin Luther King was announced dead at St. Joseph’s Hospital at 7:05. Marin Luther King Jr. was a b very successful person. He was considered a saint among several Protestant churches. He even had more that 730 cities in the United States had streets named after him as of 2006. The city named Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is the only city hall named after the Kings honor. In 1965 King was given the Pacem in Terris Award. In 1966, He was given the Margaret Sanger Award for being Courageous and for Social Justice and Human dignity. In 1968 he was given a Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights by the Jamaican government. He was even given a Grammy Award for best Spoken Word. He was given more awards. Martin Luther King Jr. did a lot of good deeds in his time of life. That is why he was considered what he was to some churches and that he was a hero to some people.

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