Sunday, December 20, 2009

Doctors Find Dozens of Sewing Needles in Toddler

In the northeaster area of Ibotirama a mother sent her son to a hospital due to him complaining about pain. when he was X-ray ed doctors found 12 needles stuck in the poor child. He is 2 years old and name isn't revealed because of his age. However people are going into further investigation because they believe he couldn't have swallowed all those needles. They had to have been forced into him one by one and he couldn't have done it by himself. They have found needles in his lungs left kegs and other major parts of the little boys body. There isn't any wounds on the outside of the boys body but he is in intensive care and is doing better than before. to check more click on This to know more information

Friday, December 11, 2009

metro cards

Did you here?...Kids are going to have to pay half fare next year. Thats not good for parents and children of the sort. Whats going to happen to kids and having money. they have to realize parents are not having a lot of money and kids would eventually drop out how would that be that motivates kids to not want to go to school even more. kids would have to be skipping the turning pipe and kids would be going to get cuffed and having parents call. this isn't good how school can even allow it. to here more go to this

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holidays Are near But Are You Ready?

Christmas Time is near do you not know where or what to do. I'm sure kids are stressing on gifts and that cost a lot of money. On speaking on child view i want gifts that cost a lot but sometimes its hard for my mother to find it. There is Best Buy Target Trust me the Gap Many Kids don't see them self in Gap Or target Clothing but believe me its worth the money and design think outside the Box. The holidays aren't about gifts and it isn't about spending money its about family and a;ways remember because you never know what can happen the next day.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Map Quest The place To loCate

Map Quest is a life saver. It is hard to memorize a lot of things especially location of a place. its a miracle we have map quest. It helps locate a certain place giving only little information whether it is zip code or just the street. I recommend many to use it if they want to get to a certain place. i use it all the time when i want to go ice skating at Chelsea Pier Or somewhere in Crown Heights or Long Island. it is very accurate and till this day it proved to not show me wrong and i applaud to the people who invented map quest. My view of Map Quest is 2thumbs up. to know more or get to may quest you can go to this link:

Ebay Fraud

People Would try to get a lot of money off of EBay. But what is EBay in general. Ebay i recommend you readers to not use and if you haven't at all then continue to ignore. EBay is frauds selling anything you may want and it isn't what they say it is. There wouldn't actually be a autograph signed shirt sneaker or anything of that sort. That is rip off and just another Way to get money for them self. i wouldn't use eBay because i don't know what would be in or on what I'm buying. always think of both sides as well because you never know but to know more on eBay you can also look at this link

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Face Book Not What We Think

Many people may think face book is better than my space and with that in mind your wrong. using face book allows people to see you and able to google you without a doubt. face book is similar to my space except it ables you adults to see there high school friends and catch up. its like a my space for adults but an easier reason to be caught and and a victim to people. I wouldn't recommend face book to the viewers however to find out more you can go to this link

Myspace is it Good Or Bad

My space to many people aren't good for children as adults may put it. my space don't have the name for nothing it is a website for teens or adults whom ever wants to have it and it shows a profile for friends to see and a profile for yourself where you collect mail and much more. if a page isn't private to outsiders its a possibility for kids to be a victim to Sex Offenders. in my opinion my space isn't to blame but the kids for not putting on that act of responsibility but parents shouldn't be afraid to let their child have one even though it gets boring as many may say. To find out more

Thumbs up for You Tube

i Recommend using You Tube Corporation. To start You tube is a broadcast yourself live and it ables you to show your talent as well as make others laugh. it helps people see certain videos and shows they missed. it ables them to show off there skills and see certain parts of shows and not all. the truth of it all many people where picked up from you tube from dancing or singing and just being a comedian. to learn more about this thumbs up link is

Family Fun

This year of thanks giving is all about fun and eating with your family and friends. many might not have seen there relatives in years or haven't seen cousins at all throughout there life. For many there are two sides to a Family. I have my Mother Side and i Have my Father side. this Year i spent my time with my Father and his family and i had a blast. i saw those who i haven't seen in half my life. I saw my cute baby sister and she made me so happy how she was so nice and happy with me. we had so much food and we didnt eat it all but it was good and interesting just remember family important and fun to be around they are there for you when the going gets tough.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thanks Giving Spread The Cheers

Holidays are near and families are getting closer as the days go by. i Cant wait to celebrate with my family and eat the good soul food that my grandma make. Playing with my sister and family and cousins im going to be so happy. they cook mac and cheese and chicken and turkey potato salad and sharing nice memories its fun when you think about it i love my family and i wouldn't want to trade them for the world adn they are there for me i love them and they make me feel welcomed. Thank God For family and thanksgiving Food

violence is all around us

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Violence In This Area

This week was a week of initiation for gangs. many girls were suppose to be hurt in the cross fire. it was said that 7 girls on the 21st was killed and there was more that was also hurt. the whole point of the initiation was to slice girls faces in order to become a member and people were foolish enough to do what they were told to. Gang violence is getting more dangerous and many Innocent kids are being hurt due to it. This seems to occur every time not even around Halloween time but eventually it needs to stop later or sooner before it gets any worse. Many Girls are scared to come out there houses because some are scared to come across a male or female to damage them mentally or physically. Its sad how this is occurring and we need to start now on defending our self not heading towards violence. but what can we do when the whole world goes on violence and weapons now to defend. An due to that many parents has to Bury their child when its suppose to be the other way around. its said that this week people are to watch out for any one who is trying to ask for the time because they are going to try to hurt you. Always have your guard up and be safe.:-)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

I think that Michael Jackson is an inspiration to many artist out here. Many people in the past haven't thought of Michael as what they would think of him as he passed. He had many incorrect rumors on him from the past but that didn't stop him from still being the best out there. He was unique in his songs videos and in his dancing. He cant be compared to artist out there because many artist don't have that affect on kids now growing up or elderly people or even kids my age. He even inspired some artist such as John Legend. The clip i have recently seen with M.J shows him dancing i believe before his concert and if it was to be preformed it would've been sold out like all the others. The Movie This is It comes out during 2weeks of November I know i would want to see it because it will have his best hits Like billy jean, Thriller, Beat It and much more. To me no one can take that title King Of Pop from him. This is the Link to the video of his rehearsals

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A little inspiration

live life to the fullest and always bless god for the life he gave for another day. trust and believe in yourself for you to have confidence in yourself. don't think of failure as you will fail and be positive and have fun with it

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My goals

i don't have much goals however, i do have a few goals that of course means much to me. my first goal is to pass graduate from high school with full scholars and able for my mind to take me into college without having to pay. my second goal is to get into a good college graduate and become a successful doctor. I want to get plentiful money and enough to pay for a nice big house. My goals aren't allot but i know i will be able to make them come true.

My Family

I am from the united states. However my family goes way back into Guyana. they are west Indian and they are Christians they are strict people. My family to me mind is still in their Guyanese ways and they are very tough on education. they believe in punishment and kids in the united states don't understand true value of fun ex specially with computers and phones are around. My mom is Guyanese and she stress on education she makes sure I'm on point and at the head of my game. She does allow me to have some freedom however, she has her days. My Dad from what i know is from United States. However i know along the blood line he has White mixed in him. He makes sure I'm keeping calm and loves me. If any one is wondering No my parents Aren't TOGETHER!*....That Doesn't mean they don't love me. If i trace back i recall my family having Colombian and 2 other Spanish speaking countries in them. However, that is my family summary and where they came from and what i know about my family as well so far....keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I have traveled not to many places but i did go far. My mom took me to see many sights on the east side of the United States. We went to Alexandria Virginia i had went to visit my cousin. we were able to go to Washington D.C due to Alexandria is close to there where it is close to Washington D.C. I also traveled to Florida a nice hot area however the rains can kill the day depending on where you wanted to go. I've went to Miami Florida Tampa Florida As well as Orlando. It is very nice to visit different parts of a state especially if you don't live there. I went to explore the rest of NewYork because many of us live here and don't even know what this state can hold or have that might be of educational interest. I went to Ohio with family and i have seen how people used to live when there weren't any T.v or electronics to get in the way. i would like to travel to places outside the U.S like Guyana Puerto Rico Dominica Republic Belize. I want to explore the sights and get out of the U.S and see the wonders of the foreign countries. i Know my dreams will come true sooner or later in my life as i grow. (I've experienced this with a dear friend of mine.)

About Me

Hey!* Blog world this is Kharyn Benjamin and i am A student from Benjamin Banneker. I am a Scholar student and i am trying to become a doctor in the future. My favorite subject is math and English. I love to take challenges and I am a very daring so I will do any dare. I'm still a young kid but i can understand where each and every person come from so i can be very helpful to you. My blog you will see me say many things on life and the ways it is from how i see and how i researched it. you will hear from me soon to learn more about Kharyn Benjamin.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Many people start Rumors even if its true or not. To me People that start rumors aren't the people you would want to hang around or want to talk with. Many rumors started already in the school and rumors never leave you exspecially in highschool. When a rumor is started about a person one piece of advice would be to keep your distance because people would get the wrong impression about you. HighSchool is time for a new start and for everything to be fresh and rumors isnt a good start so keep away and believe me it wont come to you. Rumors can happen to anybody.

LiiFe is To Short

Many Days You will see and hear that someone has been hurt or killed in something stupid or was doing something they werent suppose to do now they suffered with thier life being lost. this is Sad to see because many of those victims couldve been our loved ones. People should live life and not live it doing the wrong things because there life will be on the line and you wouldnt want that to happen. Live life to the fullest love the life you have and treat the ones and things in your life good because never know when you will or might lose them

Friday, October 2, 2009


“Love yourself before you love others”-

“Time is a great teacher but unfortunately it kills all pupils”

"You Can Do anything You Put Your Mind To"